Monday, May 5, 2008

a Saturday with Gracie

I decided to take her to see steve at work. She was super curious about where the sound/music was coming from.. just didn't get it! I think Steve was proud to show her what he was working on all morning. And i think she liked it too.

Saying our "goodbye's"

It was tough to get her back into my car. She just didn't want to leave.

Kathy (steve's mom) taught Gracie how to shake-a-paw!!! I was super pumped when she did it for me. She's learning things quickly, .. what can i say.. she makes me proud.

After the studio we came back home and waited in the sunshine for steve to get off work. Gracie loves taking pictures and is very photogenic so i thought we'd waste some time and make some memories.

She catches on quick to my poses!

What a goof ball!! I like the way she loves to lay right snug up to you when she's chewing on anything but your fingers or clothes!

Maxin' and Relaxin'

The toy in this picture was once an elephant. Now, we call it a rhino. When it was new, you could squeeze it and the trunk and tail would extend, and Gracie would go bonkers because it could move. Since she's eaten the trunk and tail off.. a rhino it becomes!

We decided to end the day off with going for a car ride. This is Gracie's first time riding in the truck without being in her kennel. She loves to sit on anyones lap while driving. Papa was driving with his eyes closed so Gracie was helping out with directions.


Aimee said...

love the photos. you and gracie are so cute!

steven said...

Courtney, i'm so happy that we have a puppy. she's getting bigger every day, its nice to have a dog that can be our friend. it was fun to have a little time sitting on the back dock last night.

i love you doogie


Anonymous said...

your pictures are great! nice that gracie was cooperative. you already know which is my favorite pic!!! mom